* The Hot Spot *
Shout Outs


All About Me
A Few Picz
Shout Outs
Love Quotes
More Love Quotez
I Love Jesus Christ

^ My Girlz ^

Brittany ~ Girl, We've Been Through * So Much * ... We've Hated Each Other Like Enemies + Been Closer Than Sisters ... We Have Some Krazy Memories ... Don't Ever Forget " I Consider You My Blood + It Don't Come No Thicker " Hehe ... * A Match Made In Heaven * ... Lylas, Forever ...

Lexy ~ Gosh Babe, Where Do I Start?? I Know A Lotz Changed + We're Not As Close As We Used To Be ... But I'll Never Forget All Our Wild Times Together ... From The Beach, 2 Just Staying Home + Cryin' Over Guyz ... Haha ...
* Rednecks + Skortz * Hehe ... No Matter What, You Know You'll Be My Girl For Life ... And I Love You Bunchez!!!

Ashez + Kelly ~ The Beach Was 2 Awesome ... Mc + O Were Just ... WHOA ... Haha ... You All Are 2 Kool ... I Hope We Stay Close Next Year ... And We'll Alwayz Be The * Sunshine Crew * ... Luv Ya Ladiez ...

Rachel + Devan + Allison + Whitney + Brittany B + Lyndz + Manda + Lindsay + Sammy + Megan ~ You All Are The Sweetest!!! Don't Ever Change On Me ... Can't Wait 'Til Next Year!!! * Luvz *

Amber + Jacqui + Lezlie + Sara + Erin ~ We Have * SO * Many Memz ... And I Know A Lots Changed This Year ... But You All Are Still My Girls -N- I'll Love Ya Forever!!! : )

Lauren Farley ~ Gurl ... You're 2 Awesome! Never Ever Change + I'm Here For Ya, Alwayz!!!

Kristan Brandon ~ Thanks For ALWAYZ Bein' There When I Needed Someone To Talk To!! I Can't Thank Ya Enough! You're Such A Sweetheart ... Stay The Same!!! Much Love Chik!

Angelic + Monica ~ You Girls Are Great ... Luv Ya!!!

Megan Gallimore ~ You're A Sweetie ... Thanx 4 Everything!!! Ly Girl...

And To Anyone That I Left Off ~ I'm So Sorry + You Know I Gotz Mad Love For Ya!!! : )